What is the evidence for tPA in COVID-19?

Comment by InpharmD Researcher

Case reports describe improved respiratory status in patients treated with tPA for COVID-19 respiratory failure in the setting of an apparent thrombotic coagulopathy. There is no set dosing regimen, with some authors using boluses only and others using a bolus plus infusion for 24 hours. COVID-19 patients with favorable response to tPA typically had a very high D-dimer and/or a low P/F ratio.

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which has been common secondary to COVID-19, has no treatment for ARDS aside from supportive treatment with the use of a ventilator. A consistent finding in ARDS is the deposition of fibrin in the air spaces and lung parenchyma along with fibrin-platelet microthrombi in the lungs contribute to the development of progressive respiratory dysfunction and right heart failure. Similar findings have been seen in COVID19 patients. Previous studies have demonstrated that urokinase or streptokinase given to ARDS patients reduced the risk of death from 100% to 70% with no adverse bleeding events. [1]

The dose, route of administration, and duration of treatment have not been defined yet but efforts by researchers interested in this approach are being carried out. Intratracheal and intravenous dosing of fibrinolytic agents was more effective than nebulized delivery in studies using animal models of acute lung injury. An initial approach might be to give 25 mg of tPA over 2 hours followed by a 25-mg tPA infusion given over the following 22 hours, with a dose not exceeding 0.9 mg/kg. It is not yet known which patients would qualify for this treatment, but patients with COVID-19-induced ARDS who have a pO2/FiO2 ratio less than 60 and a PCO2 greater than 60 despite prone positioning and maximal mechanical ventilatory support would seem to be ideal candidates, especially in settings where ECMO is not possible. Furthermore, in cases where there is no more mechanical ventilation capacity, using tPA may be appropriate for those with progressive pulmonary decline. [1]

Previous clinical trials have shown improvements in PaO2/FiO2 (P/F) when systemic tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) was given to patients with severe ARDS. It remains unclear to what extent the potential P/F improvement of tPA would reduce ICU bed requirements and population-based mortality. A decision-analytic Markov state transition model was created to simulate the life of COVID-19 patients as they transition to either recovery or death. Model parameters were extracted from existing ARDS/ COVID-19 literature. [2]

Two patient groups of equal size (50,000 patients) were simulated where patients either received tPA within 7 days of admission/ immediately upon diagnosis of ARDS or they received standard therapy for ARDS. The use of tPA was associated with reduced mortality compared to no tPA use in this simulation (47.6% vs 71.0%). Compared to patients who did not undergo tPA treatment, patients who received salvage use tPA therapy transitioned to recovery (floor status/discharge) more quickly and more frequently. Use of tPA was also associated with reduced mortality. When expanded to the COVID-19 mechanically ventilated population mortality was drastically reduced for both optimal social distancing and no social distancing. [2]


[1] Moore HB, Barrett CD, Moore EE, et al. Is there a role for tissue plasminogen activator as a novel treatment for refractory COVID-19 associated acute respiratory distress syndrome?. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020;88(6):713-714.
[2] Choudhury R, Barrett CD, Moore HB, et al. Salvage use of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) in the setting of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) due to COVID-19 in the USA: a Markov decision analysis. World J Emerg Surg. 2020;15(1):29.

Literature Review

A search of the published medical literature revealed 4 studies investigating the researchable question:

What is the evidence for tPA in COVID-19?

Please see Tables 1-4 for your response.


Successful use of tPA for thrombolysis in COVID related ARDS: a case series


Case series

Case 1

A 45-year-old male with uncontrolled diabetes was diagnosed with COVID-19. Upon admission, he had a sPO2 of 92% and therapeutic doses of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) were started. On day two, the patient suddenly became breathless and FiO2 increased overnight from 0.21 to 0.7 while on non-invasive ventilation (NIV). Respiratory rate (RR) was 40 to 45 breaths per minute.

The patient became irritable due to worsening dyspnea. Echocardiogram and compression ultrasonography of legs was normal. D-dimer was 1,350 ng/mL and fibrinogen was 670 mg/dL. Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) was started at 2 mg/hour and was given 30 mg over 15 hours concurrently with unfractionated heparin (UFH) at 500 units/hour. Thereafter, heparin was increased to 1000 units per hour, with a target goal aPTT of 80 to 90 seconds.

The UFH was changed to LMWH to better control bleeding episodes. After tPA transfusion, his RR decreased to 25 to 28 breaths per minute, FiO2 decreased from to 0.5 and then to 0.35 three days after. On day six, the patient was maintaining spO2 > 95% on room air. He was discharged on day 10 following negative COVID-19 PCR report.

Case 2

A 60-year-old female with a history of coronary artery disease and hypertension was admitted with breathlessness, cough, and vomiting for the prior four days. Upon admission, her room air sPO2 was 52%, D-dimer 1,787 ng/mL, and fibrinogen 704 mg/dL. After one day of intensive care unit (ICU) management, her P/F ratio was 90 on NIV and FiO2 0.75.

The patient was noted to be fatigued, with worsening dyspnea. Echocardiogram was normal. Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) was started at 50 mg over 3 hours. Three hours after stopping tPA, heparin was started at 1,000 units/hour. Within a few hours of tPA administration, her respiratory rate decreased from 45 to 20 breaths per minute. The patient's FiO2 remained at 0.6 for two days, decreased to 0.4 on day three, and 0.21 day seven. She was discharged on day 13 following negative COVID-19 PCR report.

Case 3

A 59-year-old female with a history of obesity and hypothyroidism presented with breathlessness, fever, and decreased appetite for the prior two days. Her sPO2 was 58% on room air. After one day of ICU management, P/F ratio was 80 and FiO2 was 0.7 on high flow nasal canula (HFNC).

Echocardiogram was normal, D-dimer was 4,583 ng/mL, and fibrinogen was 415 mg/dL. Due to rapid deterioration, she was intubated. Tissue plaminogen activator (tPA) was started at 50 mg over 3 hours. Three hours after stopping tPA, UFH was started at 1,000 units/hour. Within two hours post tPA, her respiratory rate decreased from 40 to 20 breaths per minute. Within three hours of completion of tPA, FiO2 decreased from 0.7 to 0.35. After three days, the patient was on room air. She was discharged on day eight following a negative COVID-19 PCR report.

Study Author Conclusions

COVID-19 is associated with a hyperinflammatory state, causing activation of the coagulation cascade and micro or macro thrombi in various organs. Abnormally high levels of coagulation markers such as D-dimer and fibrinogen have been significantly correlated with disease severity. One of the most important reasons for mortality is extensive pulmonary micro thrombosis leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In lieu of this correlation, therapeutic anticoagulation via Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) has been advocated for the management of COVID-19.

These three cases demonstrated that thrombolysis could be safe, effective, and prevent mortality in select critically ill patients of COVID-19 ARDS. The case investigators conclude that tPA 50 mg over 3 hours can be given to critically ill COVID-19 patients who fulfill all of the following criteria: (1) rapidly rising FiO2 ≥ 0.7 (on HFNC or NIV), (2) P/F ratio of < 100, (3) D-dimer > 1000 ng/mL, (4) no absolute contraindications of thrombolysis, and (5) no other cause of deterioration like secondary infection or fluid overload.


Goyal A, Saigal S, Niwariya Y, Sharma J, Singh P. Successful use of tPA for thrombolysis in COVID related ARDS: a case series. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2020


Abdominal pain in a patient with COVID-19 infection: A case of multiple thromboemboli


Case report

Case Presentation

A 61-year-old female with type 2 diabetes mellitus admitted with three days of dry cough and one day of non-radiating abdominal pain. She reported sharp, severe, periumbilical pain started that morning. The patient denied nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fevers, shortness of breath, and chest pain. Her husband was diagnosed with COVID-19 the day before.

In ED, her vital signs were 34 breaths/minute, room air sPO2 97%, pulse 112 beats/minute, BP 144/83 mmHg. With 4 L/minute of supplemental oxygen, her hypoxemia improved and she was able to speak. The patient's chest x-ray represented COVID-19 infection and her D-dimer was at 8,264 ng/mL.

Computerized tomography (CT) demonstrated multiple filling defects in the thoracic and abdominal aorta, representing thromboemboli with diffuse bilateral opacities in the lungs. Also, a right ventricular(RV) filling defect concerning thrombus was found via CT scans.

Unfractionated heparin was initiated. Within 24 hours, she developed worsening dyspnea and hypoxemia, so tissue plasminogen activator was initiated to treat her RV clot in transit and presumed PE. Her COVID-19 RT-PCR returned positive the same day. This case report is left unresolved.

Study Author Conclusion

COVID-19 clinical presentations often mimic pulmonary embolism (PE). In COIVID-19 patients, elevated D-dimer levels are common thus, emergency physicians should carefully interpret D-dimer levels and consider thromboembolic workup in elevated D-dimer paitients. Recommendations are needed regarding anticoagulation in COVID-19 paitents presenting with moderate to severe respiratory symptoms.

In this study, the patient's D-dimer was > 16 x normal which confirmed thromboembolism, which was treated with tPA. COVID-19 may develop thromboemboli in situ without distal origin. The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) recommends prophylactic anticoagulation in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 symptoms along with a D-dimer >6x normal limit due to COVID-19 associated thromemboli such as PE, proximal Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and arterial thrombus. 


Mahan K, Kabrhel C, Goldsmith AJ. Abdominal pain in a patient with COVID-19 infection: A case of multiple thromboemboli [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 26]. Am J Emerg Med. 2020;S0735-6757(20)30391-0. doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2020.05.054


Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) treatment for COVID-19 associated acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): A case series


Case series

Case 1 

A 75-year-old male with a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and coronary artery disease presented to the hospital with 1 week of cough, fatigue, and fevers. He had a positive test for COVID-19 and CT chest revealed bilateral ground-glass opacities with peripheral and basilar predominance. On presentation, his oxygen saturation (SpO2) was 91% on room air.

He was started on hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for five days. His oxygen requirement increased to 100% FiO2 on a non-rebreather mask (NRB) by day 3, with SpO2 improving from 85% to 91% with positioning in the awake prone position. His severe hypoxemia persisted and he was intubated on hospital day 6, and his PaO2/FiO2 (P/F) ratio was 73. His D-dimer levels were consistently > 50,000 ng/mL for the four days following intubation and his fibrinogen levels ranged between 375 to 541 mg/dL. On day 8 his P/F ratio ranged between 140 to 240 and he became anuric for which he was initiated on continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT).

Alteplase 25 mg was administered intravenously over 2 hours, followed by a 25 mg tPA infusion over the subsequent 22 hours. The patient tolerated tPA therapy without bleeding or any other apparent complication, and his P/F ratio improved to 408 11 hours into tPA infusion. Heparin infusion was started at 10 units/kg/hour with a PTT goal of 60-80 following the completion of tPA infusion.

His P/F ratio worsened to 136 one hour into heparin infusion. He was 1 liter positive on his fluid balance for the prior 24 hours and remained anuric on CRRT, but efforts to remove volume via CRRT were complicated by the development of rapid atrial fibrillation and hypotension which made it difficult to achieve a negative fluid balance. His vasopressor requirements increased from one to three (norepinephrine, phenylephrine, and vasopressin).

His P/F was 188-250 at 48 hours post-tPA, similar to his pre-tPA status. His fibrinogen levels remained similar at 351 mg/dL and his D-dimer had decreased to 16,678 ng/mL. By hospital day 11, the patients continued to descend into multiple organ failure with refractory hypotension secondary to arrhythmia and superimposed bacterial infection. He expired shortly after.

Case 2

A 59-year-old female with a history of hypertension presented to an outside hospital after two days of rhinorrhea, cough, myalgias, and headaches. She had tested positive for COVID-19 and a chest CT demonstrated bibasilar predominantly ground-glass opacities.

She was initiated on hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. Her oxygen requirement progressed over two days from nasal cannula O2 supplementation to 100% NRB with a PaO2 of 137. On day 4, she required intubation for hypoxemic respiratory failure and was transferred. She required one vasopressor for hemodynamic support. Her P/F ratio was 82 supine and improved to the 130s while prone. On day 6, her D-dimer was 545 ng/mL and this increased to 20,293 ng/mL by day 9 with a fibrinogen level of 939 mg/dL.

After 4 days of intubation and 2 days in the prone position with no durable improvements, IV tPA with alteplase was administered as a 25 mg intravenous bolus over 2 hours, followed by a 25 mg tPA infusion over the subsequent 22 hours. The patient was transitioned to heparin therapy without any bleeding complications. Her P/F was 135 (prone) 4 hours after completing tPA, 150 (prone) 12 hours after completing tPA, and D-dimer increased to 40,490 ng/mL.

By 38 hours after completing the tPA infusion, the patient continued to improve and was placed back in the supine position where the P/F ratio was now 135, a 50% improvement in supine position P/F ratio compared to the P/F of 90 in the supine position three days earlier.

Case 3

A 49-year-old male with no known medical history presented with 6 days of cough, progressive dyspnea, fever, and myalgia. SpO2 was 40% on room air in the Emergency Department and improved to 90% on 100% FiO2 via NRB. He was intubated due to increased tachypnea and required one vasopressor for hemodynamic support.

A CT chest revealed bibasilar ground-glass opacities. Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 20 was initially used, but he developed pneumopericardium, so his PEEP was reduced. He was started on hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin, as well as a heparin drip for suspicion of venous thromboembolism. On day 1, his D-dimer was 33,228 ng/mL, but it reduced to 17,301 ng/mL on day 2. His P/F ratio was 120 while prone and ranged from 72-90 in the supine position.

His heparin drip was held and IV tPA (Alteplase) was started with a 25 mg 2-hour bolus followed by 25 mg infusion for 22 hours. The heparin drip resumed immediately after tPA completion. His supine P/F improved from 72-90 pre-tPA to a P/F of 125 by 3 hours after completion of tPA, a 38-73% increase. There were no bleeding complications.

After tPA, his D-dimer increased from 17,301 ng/mL to 37,215 ng/mL and his fibrinogen decreased from 874 mg/dL (pre-tPA) to 544 mg/dL (35 hours post-tPA). His P/F ratio declined to 71 by 33-hours after completing the tPA infusion, and the patient was placed back in the prone position with recovery to a P/F ratio of 118.

Study Author's Conclusions

In all 3 cases the patients demonstrated an initial improvement in their P/F ratio, with improvements ranging from a 38% improvement (Case 3) to a ~100% improvement (Case 1). The observed improvements were transient and lost over time in all 3 patients after completion of their tPA infusion.

Further studies are needed to determine whether the observations in these cases were the result of tPA therapy or the result of unrelated/random effects, and (if effective) to determine the optimal dosing regimen of tPA with or without therapeutic anticoagulation in COVID-19 ARDS to include whether a re-dosing protocol is needed if the benefits are transient.




Wang J, Hajizadeh N, Moore EE, et al. Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) treatment for COVID-19 associated acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): A case series. J Thromb Haemost. 2020;


Rescue Therapy for Severe COVID-19 Associated Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) with Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA): A Case Series


Case series

Case 1

A 39-year-old male with no past medical history presented to a community hospital with a four-day history of shortness of breath, cough, and chest pain. Upon presentation, he was hypoxic with an oxygen saturation of 90% on room air and demonstrated bilateral patchy opacities on chest radiography and positive COVID-19 PCR testing.

He rapidly declined within hours of admission to require endotracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation, and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission. He was treated with ceftriaxone, azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine, and supported with a lung-protective ventilation strategy. On hospital day 5 he was transferred to a tertiary care facility for further management given persistent severe, refractory hypoxemic respiratory failure; his organ failure was limited to pulmonary. Admission laboratory work was notable for fibrinogen of 1,116 mg/dL (also his peak), D-dimer of 7,434 ng/mL, PTT of 34.1s, and platelet count of 344 k/uL.

Despite sedation, neuromuscular blockade, lung-protective ventilation optimization, inhaled epoprostenol, and inhaled nitric oxide, his PaO2/FiO2 (P/F) ratio was 81. Throughout the clinical course his labs remained notable for extremely elevated fibrinogen and D-dimer levels consistent with a pro-thrombotic coagulopathy. Respiratory system and lung mechanics remained preserved throughout despite severe hypoxemia and a large alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient, consistent with pulmonary vascular occlusive phenomena as the primary pathophysiology.

Given his lack of clinical improvement, a trial of tPA was initiated using a 25 mg bolus over 2 hours, with an additional 25 mg infused over the following 22 hours. Pre- and post-tPA bolus thromboelastography testing showed a low-normal LY30 value of fibrinolysis of 0.2%. A modest initial improvement in P/F ratio was observed within 4 hours, however, the response mostly subsided during the low dose tPA maintenance infusion. The patient was not anticoagulated during the maintenance tPA infusion. His fibrinogen went from 731 mg/dL pre-tPA to 628 mg/dL at completion of the 22-hour tPA infusion. Based on the lack of sustained clinical improvement an IL-6 receptor antagonist tocilizumab was administered.

His limited response to initial tPA therapy prompted concern for under-dosing of tPA with further concern that lack of concomitant anticoagulation may have allowed for early re-thrombosis. Therefore, a second bolus of 50mg of tPA over 2 hours was administered, this time with a simultaneous heparin infusion at 500 units/hr. Thromboelastography showed low-normal LY30 values before and after tPA (0.2% and 1.6%, respectively), with an appropriate increase of LY30 above 22% during the tPA bolus. After tPA bolus completion, heparin therapy was advanced to a target PTT of 60-80 seconds.

The patient’s oxygenation and P/F ratio progressively improved thereafter, increasing to 197 after 24 hours and 227 at 36 hours despite returning the patient to the supine position, cessation of nitric oxide, and lifting of neuromuscular blockade. Seven days post-tPA the patient was successfully extubated and neurologically intact with no apparent complications of tPA therapy.

Case 2

A 58-year-old male with a PMH significant for hypertension and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus presented to the hospital with a 2-week history of shortness of breath and feeling “unwell” in the setting of a known outpatient diagnosis of COVID-19 confirmed by PCR analysis 4 days prior to admission. Upon presentation, he displayed hypoxia with an oxygen saturation of 78% on room air, which initially improved on 100% FiO2 via non-rebreather mask (NRB), and chest radiography demonstrated bilateral infiltrates. Admission laboratory work was notable for fibrinogen of 482 mg/dL, D-dimer of 1,462 ng/mL, and platelet count of 181 k/uL. Upon arrival to the ICU from the Emergency Department he was noted to have increased work of breathing, tachypnea, and recurrent desaturations despite 100% FiO2 on NRB, so he was intubated.

He was treated with ceftriaxone, azithromycin, a therapeutic heparin drip, and supported with a lung-protective ventilation strategy, and by day 3 he was also chemically paralyzed. His respiratory status continued to deteriorate so a trial of prone positioning was attempted, but this movement led to significant respiratory decompensation, so he was returned to his left side with some recovery. On day 5 his respiratory failure had progressed with P/F ratios persistently in the 90s despite maximal ventilator strategies and FiO2 ranging from 80-100%.

Salvage therapy was initiated with 50 mg of alteplase bolus over 2 hours. His heparin drip turned down to 500 units/hr during the tPA bolus, and it resumed to therapeutic rate after the tPA bolus was completed. His pre-tPA fibrinogen was 980 mg/dL and D-dimer was 2,124 ng/mL, post-tPA fibrinogen was 944 mg/dL and there was a spike in D-dimer to 7,094 ng/mL consistent with fibrinolysis of a clot occurring after tPA administration.

His P/F ratio immediately dipped into 77-80 range, but then began to steadily climb up to 136 at 24-hours post-tPA, a 48% increase in P/F from pre-tPA. The decision was made to repeat the 50 mg tPA bolus to attempt further gains, which again led to an initial transient decrease in his P/F to the mid-90s, but his P/F ratio then climbed up to 114 and then 175. His respiratory status remained improved as of the time of this submission with his P/F ratio up 90% from pre-tPA levels and measured in the same position (left side) he started tPA therapy in. No bleeding complications were noted during or after tPA therapy.

Case 3

A 67-year-old male with PMH significant for hypertension, thyroid cancer (post thyroidectomy and radioactive iodine) presented to the hospital with a ten-day history of worsening shortness of breath, fatigue, fevers, and dry cough. Upon presentation, he displayed hypoxia with an oxygen saturation of 80% on room air and chest radiography demonstrated bilateral patchy opacities. Admission laboratory work was notable for a fibrinogen 257 mg/dL, D-dimer 6,070 ng/mL, and a platelet count of 212 k/uL. He was admitted to the ICU with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure with lung-protective ventilator settings and PEEP 16 on 100% FiO2, sedated and chemically paralyzed. A diagnosis of COVID-19 was confirmed by PCR analysis.

Following admission to the ICU, his ventilator strategy was changed to airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) with a decrease in his FIO2 requirement to 50%. He was treated with ampicillin/sulbactam, hydroxychloroquine, and deemed not a candidate for other study trial medications. By day 2 his renal function deteriorated, and he progressed to oligo-anuric acute kidney injury. Due to limited access to dialysis machines, only short courses of continuous renal replacement therapy (approximately 8-12 hours per day) were able to be completed. He remained with a severe mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis as his ventilator requirements were necessarily increased.

By day 6, his D-dimer was noted to be above 35,000 ng/mL and was started on enoxaparin. Unfortunately, his pulmonary function continued to deteriorate and he was no longer responding to 100% FiO2 despite multiple changes on the ventilator with P/F ratios now ranging from 70-105. He was deemed not to be a candidate for prone positioning given his tenuous hemodynamic status, large body habitus, severe acidosis (pH 7.1-7.2), and ongoing renal replacement requirements.

On day 16 the patient deteriorated (P/F ratio 77) and was commenced on a trial of inhaled nitric oxide with limited benefit. Respiratory system and lung mechanics remained preserved throughout the entire course despite the severe hypoxemia with a large alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient, consistent with what would be observed in pulmonary vascular occlusive phenomena.

The patient continued to decompensate and was unstable, so a trial of tPA (alteplase) was initiated using a 50 mg bolus over 2 hours and he was transitioned to a therapeutic heparin drip instead of enoxaparin. At 4 hours post-tPA initiation, his P/F ratio was up to 92 from 70, a marked improvement. Just over 24 hours after his initial bolus of tPA his P/F ratio was back down to 85, prompting a second 50 mg tPA bolus with the improvement of his P/F to 105 at 3-hours post-tPA initiation.

The patient remained therapeutically heparinized during the second tPA challenge without any interruption in heparin administration. Unfortunately, his respiratory status declined again and a third 50 mg tPA bolus was administered on day 18 given his prior improvements after tPA, but this time there was no response, his multiple organ failure progressed, and he expired a short time after.

Case 4

A 27-year-old female with PMH significant for morbid obesity (BMI 57) and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus presented to the hospital with a seven-day history of cough, fever, and progressive dyspnea. She was profoundly hypoxic on hospital presentation with an oxygen saturation of 60% on room air, improved to 80% on FiO2 100% non-rebreather mask (NRB), and she was subsequently intubated. Chest radiography demonstrated bilateral patchy opacities with dense peripheral infiltrates. Admission laboratory work was notable for a fibrinogen 750 mg/dL and a D-dimer of 2,240 ng/mL.

She was admitted to the ICU with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure with lung-protective ventilator settings and PEEP 15 on 100% FiO2 with a P/F ratio of 61 despite sedation, chemical paralysis, and prone positioning. A diagnosis of COVID-19 was confirmed by PCR analysis.

The patient’s respiratory status remained tenuous with O2 saturations dipping to as low as 82% with a very modest improvement upon changing ventilator mode to APRV and was too unstable for consideration of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Given her instability with P/F ratios (in the 60s while prone) and maximal therapy, the decision was made to administer a bolus of 50 mg tPA over 2 hours while on a concomitant heparin drip at 500 units/hr, followed by a tPA drip at 2 mg/hr for 22 hours while on a therapeutic heparin drip.

Her pre-tPA fibrinogen was 756 mg/dL and D-dimer was 4,040 ng/mL, post-tPA fibrinogen was 856 mg/dL and there was a spike in D-dimer above 20,000 ng/mL consistent with fibrinolysis/clot degradation occurring after tPA administration. The patient had a rapid improvement following administration of tPA allowing for return to the supine position within 3 hours, and at 5 hours post-tPA initiation her FiO2 was down to 50% and P/F ratio was 217.

At the time of completion of her tPA infusion she had partial regression in that her P/F ratio had fallen to 71, but she remained in the supine position instead of prone and overall this was an improvement relative to her pre-tPA prone P/F ratio. No bleeding complications were noted during or after tPA therapy. While some sustained respiratory status improvements persist, she remains critically ill as of the time of this publication.

Case 5

A 52-year-old male with PMH significant for aortic valve disease, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and hyperlipidemia presented to a community hospital with a four-day history of fatigue, shortness of breath, body aches, and fever. Upon presentation, he displayed hypoxia with an oxygen saturation of 82% on room air, which improved on 100% FiO2 via non-rebreather mask (NRB), and chest radiography demonstrated bilateral infiltrates. Admission laboratory work was notable for a fibrinogen of 836 mg/dL, D-dimer of 843 ng/mL, INR of 1.2, PTT of 27.8 seconds, and platelet count of 265 k/uL. He was immediately transferred to a tertiary care center for further management, where upon arrival to the ICU his O2 saturations were now 82% on 100% FiO2 NRB so he was intubated, sedated, and placed on mechanical ventilation. A diagnosis of COVID-19 was confirmed by PCR analysis.

He was treated with ceftriaxone, azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine, a therapeutic heparin drip, and supported with a lung-protective ventilation strategy, and on day 3 was also chemically paralyzed. On day 6 his respiratory failure had continued to progress with P/F ratio of 97 and he was placed in the prone position with the recovery of P/F ratio to above 100. By day 12 his P/F ratio was consistently below 100 despite prone positioning and maximal ventilator strategies.

Salvage therapy was initiated with 50 mg tPA (alteplase) bolus over 2 hours with his heparin drip turned down to 500 units/hr during the tPA bolus, with resumption of a therapeutic rate of his heparin drip after the tPA bolus was completed. His pre-tPA fibrinogen was 365 mg/dL and D-dimer was 15,061 ng/mL, post-tPA fibrinogen was 373 mg/dL and there was a spike in D-dimer to 17,613 ng/mL consistent with fibrinolysis/clot degradation occurring after tPA administration.

His P/F ratio immediately improved from 82 pre-tPA to 105 post-tPA, which continued to improve throughout the day and his FiO2 was weaned from 80% to 70% that evening. At 24 hours post-tPA his P/F ratio had improved to 141 and he was returned to the supine position shortly after, which he tolerated. At 60 hours post-tPA he did develop some rectal bleeding felt to be related to the prolonged presence of a rectal tube in the setting of an ongoing therapeutic heparin drip, which required a 1 unit transfusion of packed red blood cells and temporary cessation of his heparin drip that was subsequently resumed without complication.

Study Author Conclusion

The 5 patients who were treated with intravenous administration of tPA (alteplase) for profound COVID-19 respiratory failure in the setting of an apparent thrombotic coagulopathy appeared to have improved respiratory status. A prior case series of 3 patients treated with tPA (alteplase) for COVID-19 respiratory failure that used lower doses of tPA over longer periods of time and without concomitant heparin anticoagulation demonstrated less dramatic effects that were less durable than what was observed with larger doses of tPA and concomitant heparin anticoagulation as described in this present case series.

Larger studies with a control group will be required to demonstrate efficacy and safety, as well as identify the patient population that benefits most from tPA and the optimal dose and route for tPA administration. Currently, a Phase 2 multi-center randomized control trial of TPA in COVID-19 respiratory failure is in recruitment to answer these questions. Until such studies are published, individual clinician considerations for off-label tPA therapy in COVID-19 patients with thrombotic coagulopathy and respiratory failure may be warranted when there is an imminent risk of death and no available options for escalation of care.



Barrett CD, Oren-grinberg A, Chao E, et al. Rescue Therapy for Severe COVID-19 Associated Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) with Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA): A Case Series. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020.